Kostiv & Associates, P.C.

Los Angeles Lawyers Serving Local and International Clients

Kostiv & Associates, P.C. lawyers utilizes highly efficient, effective and creative strategies to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients, both in California and around the world, treating each case with the greatest level of care.

We have multiple locations in the United States, as well as several locations across the world including Latin America and Eastern Europe. This allows us to provide legal services internationally for all members of the community at large.

Our firm made its name in Los Angeles through its President, Petro Kostiv. Petro represented a litany of clients before the Executive Office of Immigration Review (“EOIR”) (more commonly referred to as Immigration Court). While representing his clients before the EOIR, Petro gained the reputation of never backing down from any adversary, whether it be opposing counsel or the Immigration Judges themselves, because at the end of the day it is the client that mattered most to Petro.

Kostiv & Associates, P.C. biggest department is its Immigration Department, which is departmentalized into smaller sections including: Appeals before the Board of Immigration Appeals and Circuit Courts, United State Citizenship and Immigration Services, Executive Office of Immigration Review and a Juvenile Department.

Petro Kostiv, Esq. Chief Executive Officer

We also focus fiercely on personal injury, and have attorneys ready to help you feel whole after personal injuries to you or your family. We specialize in auto accidents, pedestrian accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, slip and falls, and product liability, including Lemon law cases. Some of the injuries include soft tissue injuries, catastrophic injuries, back injuries, and traumatic brain injury.

Our firm works on business law matters. This usually includes contracts, mergers and acquisitions, investments, tax structure, company creation, and bankruptcy. COVID-19 provoked many companies and corporations to consider options in their organization including bankruptcy and tax structure.

In addition to the services Kostiv & Associates, P.C. provides in the United States, we also represent clients doing business overseas in China, Latin America, the former Soviet bloc, and other countries throughout the world.

Kostiv & Associates, P.C. is ready to help you wherever you are located.

Contact Us at (213) 309-9123


Petro Kostiv, Esq.

Chief Executive Officer

Petro specializes in immigration and aviation law. He is also experienced in advising foreign companies in regards to investing and doing business in the United States.

Michael Quiroga, Esq.



His desire to help people in the legal field grew to such an extent that he transitioned into the role of an Attorney at Law

Erik Espinoza

Immigration Attorney


Cesar Coronel



His primary focus is on immigration law and helps clients with asylum petitions in the immigration court.

Sheenarai Oquendo

Immigration Attorney


Federico Torres

Immigration Attorney


John Negrón

Immigration Attorney


Steven Muñoz

Law clerk


Vlad Zavada

Administrative / Marketing Manager

Yayza Ramirez

Office Manager


Blanca Rolón



Raul Gavino



Wendy García

Finance/ Administration Assistant